The World Threads show specifically celebrates the beauty of textiles from around the world. Step into the gallery and let yourself be transported across continents and cultures. Silk balloon pants from China, a wedding sari from India, a Japanese kimono, a piano shawl, embroidery, intricate quilting from rural China, and more fill the gallery area.
Silks of Laos assists Lao weavers who create sumptuous magic with their looms. This organization's work supports educational opportunities and a sustainable income for the weavers in this area near the Vietnam border.
Across the room, gossamer silk scarves flutter against the wall, and a collection of snowy white cotton nightgowns boast intricate pintucking and embroidery details. This is the work of Memsahib Mar, an organization that sells textile arts to benefit several nongovernmental organizations in India, as well as women's cooperatives and two orphanages.
Maya Cielo carries traditional cotton woven items from Central America. Colorful throws, lengths of undyed white cotton fabric, and cloth dolls are created by skilled weavers. The work of Maya Cielo supports this cooperative in Guatemala.
There's certainly quite a bit more to see at the show, and there is plenty to buy. Know that every dollar you spend helps to make the world a better place, both across continents and right here at home.
Check TACtile's website for the schedule of Saturday talks and demonstrations presented by the participating nonprofit artisan groups. World Threads II continues through May 28.
TACtile Textile Arts Center
Tamarac Square
E. Hampden Ave. at S. Quebec St., Suite 114
(Lower Level, near Rodney's Restaurant)
Denver, Colorado
Hours: 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Tamarac Square
E. Hampden Ave. at S. Quebec St., Suite 114
(Lower Level, near Rodney's Restaurant)
Denver, Colorado
Hours: 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Natural dyes lend additional beauty to African baskets and organic cotton shawls, scarves, and other textiles from Ethiopia. By Woven Promises