Now, after all of these months of things falling into place, we have encountered a situation we cannot resolve. For the past eleven months, we have managed to pull together this program without having a home base of operations. The supplies are at Sharon's house. The finished work and prepared kits are at Anna's place. Susan has the notes on each women's particular situation. The statistical data is at Jaime's office, while the participant files, PR materials, and main phone number are at Sharon's office. We have reached a point where our project needs an office of its own, a home for A Little Something, a central point of operations.
What is standing between us and that is approximately $700. That is how much we need for the first month's rent plus a month's deposit on a small (verrrry small) office. We aren't looking at any posh downtown suites; instead, most of the places under consideration are no more than 300 square feet--about the size of a moderately large bedroom. If we're lucky, we'll get into a place with utilities included. Actually, on our budget, that's our only option.
We haven't yet worked out the logistics of accepting a monetary donation for this purpose, but if you know of anyone who could help us out with $700, please contact me, Sharon, at beadwomen@gmail.com. We hope that our legal advisor, who also donates her time, can help us make this an easy transaction for...someone who has $700. We might even be able to pay you back some time in the future.
We always feel uncomfortable asking anyone for anything, so although we find making this request to be awkward, it's something we're willing to do because our office needs are very specific and we are willing to ask for help getting not just a place, but exactly the right place for us (which we've found but lost out on more than once).
We humbly put this request out there, and if this is the right thing to do, we know it will come to pass. Here's hoping.