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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We are not alone

Some time ago, Anna, Sharon, Jaime, and Susan had the brilliant idea to seek out other projects like ours. We figured that since we had a lot to learn, we should learn from those who have already "been there, done that." When the learning curve is steep and you need to maximize your limited funds (and time), it helps if you can see where, exactly, others have been before you.

We're learning a lot from the incredibly helpful people at these organizations and we're probably avoiding some terribly deep pitfalls in the process. Conference calls are our new best friend! So many people have expressed curiosity about our project, it seems only fair that we tell you about some of these other projects that might be going on right in your area. If you see a local program on this list, please show your support, even if it's just with some encouragement. We know firsthand how valuable moral support really is.

Just click on the program's name to view its Website.

Raleigh Refugee Women's Microenterprise Initiative
Raleigh, NC

Our Story Together...The Refugee Experience

Rochester, NY

The New Hope Women's Sewing Cooperative

Chicago, IL

African Women's Coalition
Portland, OR

Somali Bantu Women's Cooperative
San Diego, CA

1 comment:

Margot Potter said...

The power of "we" is vast and infinite.

Rock on!